Ghost Installation 101"The Ultimate Guide For Beginners
Autowatch Ghost Installation
The TASSA-verified Ghost-II is a next-generation stealth immobiliser which will stop your car from being taken by an expert criminal. It makes use of the buttons on your vehicle (on the steering wheel or on the centre console) to generate an encryption code that is difficult to hack.
It is silently operated by your vehicle's CAN Data Network, there are no LED indicators that can be altered, and it emits no radio frequency signals, so it's inaccessible to thieves using diagnostic tools.
Installation Process

A Ghost immobiliser, which can be hidden in your car, prevents thieves from cloning your car or stealing it. It's a much better alternative to a steering wheel lock, and is more effective. It's easy to install, and it can be carried over when you switch cars. It's also less expensive than a reversing camera, and it will prevent your vehicle from being taken by thieves or hackers.
It is an innovative immobiliser that shields your vehicle against key cloning, hacking and even key theft. The system is completely invisible to thieves and is activated only by a unique code. The system is unnoticeable to diagnostic tools because it doesn't emit any radio signals.
The Autowatch Ghost is a simple device that can be fitted on most vehicles within just a few hours. It's backed up by a Tassa guarantee and accepted by insurance companies. It operates with the CAN data circuit in your vehicle to disable the engine, and doesn't use any LED indicators. It is wired directly into your ECU which makes it extremely difficult for thieves override.
Ghost immobiliser can create a PIN code sequence with up to 20 inputs. Only you know this sequence and it's impossible to break. This small device will protect your car against key cloning or hacking. It makes it almost impossible to steal.
You can create your own pin codes using an app on your phone. You can also create an "service mode". This allows you to disable the system so that your garage can fix or service your vehicle without needing to enter a disarm code. This feature is ideal when you need to bring your car in for repairs or maintenance.
It's a simple method to secure your vehicle and is compatible with the majority of modern vehicles. It is easy to remove the device and then transfer it to another vehicle so long as the new vehicle is compatible.
TASSA Approved
Autowatch Ghost, a leading immobiliser in the market, protects your vehicle against key copying. It works by preventing your vehicle from starting or driven unless you enter a unique PIN number using the buttons on your vehicle. They can be found on your steering wheel, door panels or indicators. The PIN can have up to 20 presses. You can also modify it at anytime.
It's important to remember that the Ghost immobiliser isn't Thatcham approved, but it is TASSA approved. This is an independent organization that deals with the certification of security & tracking devices. Furthermore, the system is recognised by many insurance companies as a reliable deterrent against theft.
The Ghost alarm system utilizes data from the CAN-bus system in your vehicle, unlike traditional systems from Thatcham. It does this by connecting to your vehicle's OBD port. It then alters the car's OBD port to believe that an authentic key exists. This is because the system is programmed to behave in this way.
If the OBD port hacked criminals can connect to a laptop and hack into the computer in your vehicle. The thieves could disable the immobiliser and deactivate the alarm within minutes. They can also locate the vehicle on a map and drive away with no trace.
To prevent this from happening, the Ghost immobiliser is able to detect and respond to signals transmitted by the vehicle's OBD port. It also has the ability to detect and disable a relay box that would be used by thieves to trick the vehicle into believing that a valid key is present.
The Ghost is a tiny, weatherproof device that is inserted into the wiring harness for your vehicle. It can only be spotted by a professional thief using diagnostic tools. It doesn't transmit any RF (radio-frequency) signals that can be identified or tapped by advanced RF scanning technology. The device is undetectable when it is in the "service/valet' mode. This means that if you're planning to have your car cleaned or serviced, you can still use it, but it will stop any attempts to steal from happening.
Insurance Approved
The autowatch ghost immobiliser is a great choice if you are looking for an immobiliser for your vehicle to help safeguard your vehicle from theft. This unique immobiliser will protect your car from key cloning and hacking and can also prevent the theft of your vehicle completely. On its website you can learn more about the autowatch Ghost. It also comes with a free secure and safe iPhone application that allows you to control the device.
The Autowatch ghost works by connecting to the CAN data circuit of your vehicle. TheKeyLab will prevent the engine from starting until you input the correct pincode. It is completely undetectable, and will not affect radio signals. This makes it a great alternative to other security devices that use relay boxes or jammers to trick vehicles to believe there's a key present.
The Ghost is among the most advanced security systems on the market. It is a Tassa-verified immobiliser that is Insurance approved and provides superior security against key copying. It's also the first aftermarket immobiliser to use the CAN bus technology. You can find out more about the Autowatch Ghost on its website, which is frequently updated with news and other pertinent information.
Once installed, the ghost is hidden within the wiring of your vehicle and won't be seen by thieves. It communicates directly with the ECU of your vehicle using the CAN data network, which makes it virtually impossible to detect or stop. It's also completely silent, so thieves will not be able hear it working. It can be set to service mode while the car is parked. This means that thieves will not be able start the vehicle or drive it until they know the correct pin code.
It can also stop the theft of a vehicle through hacking the OBD port. This is a method commonly used by thieves to bypass traditional vehicle security systems. The OBD port is easily accessed and connected to computers. The thief can then access the vehicle's system, deactivate the alarm, and then code new keys. Ghost can stop this from happening and make it difficult for thieves to take the car.